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Pfizer supports the global healthcare community’s independent initiatives (e.g., research, quality improvement, or education) to improve patient outcomes in areas of unmet medical need that are aligned with Pfizer’s areas of interest.

Real People Advocacy, Strength, and Hope in the Face of Metastatic Melanoma: Bruce and Chris's Story In 2013, Bruce’s life changed. He was living in sunny Florida with Chris, his wife of over 20 years, when he received an unexpected diagnosis. Programs & Initiatives Why Partnerships Are Vital in the Post-Emergency COVID-19 Era The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency has ended but these Pfizer Partnerships Ensure that a Focus on “Test to Treat” Continues After a long period. Trusted Voices Together We Can Change the Odds for People with Cancer One in three people in the United States will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. This means you, or someone you know, may someday be impacted. This disease does not discriminate.

Achieving breakthroughs that change patients’ lives across the globe, especially in underserved communities or disaster-affected communities, is our goal.

Which is why we take the health and safety of our colleagues so seriously.

We want to share the power of our resources to achieve a healthier world for everyone. We’re committed to using everything at our disposal—from our medicines and vaccines, to our financial investments and colleagues’ expertise—all in the name of providing quality healthcare services for patients everywhere.  

 And because our resources allow us to reach so many people, we’re committed to using our global presence and scale to make a difference throughout the world

Incredible things can happen when people come together with one shared goal. The future of medicine is happening here, and we’re eager to work alongside inspired and inspirational people who want to improve health around the world.

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